Reality is a Dream

Reality is a Dream

I’ve spent more time in college in my dreams than reality at the moment. Those dreams where you’re late for class and can’t seem to find where you’re supposed to go have already started. And yet I wonder why moving to college hasn’t sunk in yet when my all my college experience is comprised of dreams and fantasies. Who’s to say that these days I’m finishing packing aren’t just incredibly vibrant dreams?

I’m sure in a week or two it will finally hit.

For now I just sit in a daze on the couch or in my bed or in the car, trying to wrap my head around moving into a dorm, sharing a room with someone for the first time in years, and living next door to friends.

My things are in boxes packed in the back of the car. I have my outfits for the next four days planned out because everything else is packed away. The pride flag that hung on my wall is now folded neatly inside a box, waiting to arrive at it’s new home.

With me I’m bringing Phillip (mushroom gnome) and Monty (skeleton) and Frosty (stapelia gigantea) and Jimmy Dean (aloe). They’ll help my new room feel homey and be some old friends to keep me company.

To call myself ready would be a stretch. Prepared would be a better descriptor.

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