

The snow began. She walked down the sidewalk, careful to ensure she wouldn’t slip. She went to her fourth class, and skipped on her fifth because the professor wasn’t in. She needed to get out grocery shopping before the snow picked up. She texted her friend that she had planned to go with and they went to Walmart and bought supplies for baking and for lunches. It was busy there. Everyone else was getting out before the storm also. And so the two drove back.

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Groceries were put away. She pulled out her laptop to play some games before dinner. Dinnertime arrived. She didn’t feel like dinner. She didn’t feel like anything. She crawled into bed with her headphones still on, just staring between the curtain and the window edge out into the snow. She laid there for a short while before deciding to give dinner a chance. She kept her headphones on.

They had baked beans and sloppy joe and brownies down at dinner. It was actually good as far as cafeteria food went. You really can’t go wrong with baked beans. She sat alone with her headphones on, still not feeling like anything but at least she felt like dinner. A friend from down the hall walked past and when he saw her, he made his smile and waved enthusiastically. She couldn’t help but smile and wave back. Now she felt like something. Two more friends wandered towards the cafeteria and eventually joined her for dinner. It helped. She felt like something. She walked back up to her dorm and started a 3D modeling project for fun that she had sketched out earlier that day. With her door propped open, one of her best friends joined her and sat in the armchair, knitting.

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Two more friends came in the room and they had fun chatting. The two wandered back off after making plans. She and her friend played cribbage for an hour and despite that she was beat royally both times, enjoyed it nevertheless. The friend wandered off to see what the other two were doing. She was already getting tired and so she prepared for bed. And so she went to bed.

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To say the sun was out would be a stretch. However, it was still bright outside and so it was day. You were now unable to see neither the dead grass outside nor the cars’ windshields. She sat in bed for it was still early, early for the weekend at least. No point in getting up too early when brunch wasn’t until 11. Eventually she pulled herself from the warm quilt and descended the ladder. Clothes, hairbrush, bathroom, a long draw from the water bottle. It was Saturday which meant laundry. Can’t wait to do it until the afternoon though, everyone else will have the same idea. She started her laundry, worked on a piece of homework, swapped laundry, went to brunch.

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She had some homework to do, but that could wait for tomorrow. It was only the beginning of a weekend. And so on came The Owl House, watched while cross stitching the pattern she had started last month. Laundry came out of the dryer, back to The Owl House. Once she ran out of episodes, she turned to The Weather Machine which sat waiting on her bookshelf. And so she read, but not for long, as reading made her drowsy. She could barely keep her eyes open so up to bed she climbed. Sprawled out on the mattress, she fell asleep.

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It was morning, or so she thought. In fact it was not; only two hours had passed since her nap begun. Luckily she woke up at the right time as dinner was about to begin. Down the ladder, brush through the hair, slide on the shoes, and down the hall she went. Alfredo with chicken was waiting for her down in the cafeteria and so she helped herself. She met some friends on the way back and went out to check on the depth of the snow. Amazing how much accumulated when it’d been snowing non-stop for twenty-four hours. She wandered upstairs to where her homework sat staring out her, so she gave in. Two science fiction stories later, it was time for movie night.

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Star Wars: Episode V was queued on the TV and popcorn in the bowl. Four of them sat on or in front of the futon, one of them having never seen the movie before (it was not her.) An enjoyable time was had, although thanks to a drop in the wi-fi, it took a little longer than anticipated. The movie ended, the lights came on, it was late enough she could almost reason that it was time for bed. Downstairs to second floor, key in the door, and the room sat waiting for her as she left it.

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