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I Can’t Help You

I Can’t Help You

It’s scary to see your friends struggling but not being able to help them. I’ve always been the parental friend, the therapist of the group. I help people when they need it and offer if it looks like they do. Sometimes they just need assistance with math, other times they need to talk out a situation that they’ve been struggling with. They might not come out 100% by the end, but they’re at least feeling a little better and putting…

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See You Tomorrow

See You Tomorrow

There’s something special about going to bed after hanging out with some friends in the evening and being able to say “see you tomorrow.” We don’t really share any classes or clubs, but that fact that we are but four doors apart makes it easy to get together for dinner and gather after for math or gaming. The fact that before this it was “we’ll have to find another time to get together” or “see you in a few days”…

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Tonight It Rained

Tonight It Rained

Tonight it rained. It poured buckets and buckets to make the dry grass happy. Lightning danced through the clouds as the thunder it produced rolled across the hills below it. This was quite unfortunate for anyone who was outside, as they would get soaked immediately without an umbrella or other covering. Luckily for me, this was not the case. I was wrapping up a nice evening chatting with my friends. They live about four doors down the hall, just far…

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Reality is a Dream

Reality is a Dream

I’ve spent more time in college in my dreams than reality at the moment. Those dreams where you’re late for class and can’t seem to find where you’re supposed to go have already started. And yet I wonder why moving to college hasn’t sunk in yet when my all my college experience is comprised of dreams and fantasies. Who’s to say that these days I’m finishing packing aren’t just incredibly vibrant dreams? I’m sure in a week or two it…

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Why My Pride?

Why My Pride?

It’s not hard to find pride coming from the LGBTQ+ community. In June it’s very obvious, with companies changing their logos to rainbow to show solidarity and pride festivals or parades being held in towns to celebrate the queer population. Other months it may not be as public but it is still easy to find with a simple search across any platform of the internet. LGBTQ+ artists and creators often have pride themed merchandise year round, covering a wide variety…

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Who Am I?

Who Am I?

My name is Laura Hubbs. I graduated with my class of 12 last May and will be starting at South Dakota Mines and Tech this month studying mechanical engineering. I am a queer person. My identities include demiromantic*, asexual, and agender, two of which this autocorrect doesn’t believe are words. I believe gender is a construct and that people should dress and use whatever pronouns or gender labels that make them comfortable. I personally enjoy jeans, graphic tee-shirts, the occasional…

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