I made cookies last week

I made cookies last week

Baking is funny.

Coming from a household where we bake incredibly often, baking just seems like another thing that happens in the house. It is nothing unordinary, although always appreciated. New recipes get used from time to time but otherwise it’s often out of the cookbooks hiding in the cupboard.

When things get baked at our house, they often inspect for ways to improve. There are rare occasions when they are made in a fashion that everyone enjoys and so no tweaking is needed, but often baking times need to be edited or ratios need to be changed.

When I bake at college or in my boyfriend’s house, it is seen as a special treat. Things don’t baked often and so this is a special occurrence that everyone is excited for. I often try new recipes as I don’t have access to the old recipes at home. They generally turn out at minimum decent, in my own opinion, and I always have something to mention about adding less flour or baking for two minutes longer. However, when the treats are shared, no one else seems to mind the slightly drier texture than I anticipated or little crunch around the edges. Maybe it’s out of politeness, maybe they’re just asking the for the recipe to be nice. That’s what my head likes to tell me, at least. Whatever it is, they thank me and ask for seconds.

I’m not sure where I was going with this, but there’s a moral to this story somewhere, I’m sure of it.

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